Born and raised in Eatonton, GA. DJ Waller is the Community Development Manager for the City of Covington, where he oversees downtown development, tourism, film, special projects and marketing/design. DJ is a highly motivated and progress focused MPA graduate with a standing background in local government administration, marketing, social media management, community engagement, and project management in the public sector. DJ graduated with his Master of Public Administration from Georgia Southern University, where he served as the Graduate Assistant Coach for Women’s Basketball. Shortly thereafter, he became the Tourism Coordinator/Film Liaison, representing Covington/Newton County in a wide variety of capacities. His work ethic and the relationships he built along the way, led to him making a smooth transition into his current role. As the Community Development Manager, DJ played a major part in taking Covington/Newton County to new heights with tourism initiatives that brought over 100,000 visitors into Covington in 2022. DJ enjoys collective brainstorming sessions which allows the coordination of activities and strategies to achieve a common goal. In addition to having a desire to make a difference in the community, DJ is a passionate basketball fan and fashion enthusiast; he loves traveling and exploring everything that life has to offer.