Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Moved to Georgia to attend the University of Georgia. Graduated with a B.A. in History from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Graduated with a M.A. from the University of Georgia’s Department of Public Administration and Policy. Began his career as the Executive Director of the City of Commerce’s Downtown Development Authority, earning awards from the Georgia Downtown Association for Best Infill Development and Design in 2007 and 2009. Accepted a position as a Community and Economic Development Project Manager with the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission, which allowed him to provide public sector solutions for communities across a 12-county region. Accepted a position as the Business Development Director with the City of Newnan, earning awards from the Georgia Downtown Association for Economic Development and Promotion in 2014 and from the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation for Excellence in Rehabilitation in 2015 and 2016. Promoted to Assistant City Manager in 2016; responsible for supporting numerous public functions, including but not limited to downtown development, information technology, communications, capital projects, public libraries, sustainability, sanitation, and leisure services. He is a 2016 graduate of Leadership Georgia who maintains professional affiliations with GCCMA, ICMA and IEDC. In addition to his professional duties, he remains active in the community: serving on the Board of Directors for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Atlanta and the Newnan Artist in Residence program; serving as Session member at Newnan Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Commissioner of the New Church Development Commission with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta (PCUSA). He is married to his wife, Rebecca who serves as a fourth-grade classroom teacher and is father to Adeline (12) and William (9).